1、组织售前(接到正式客户订单与生产合同前)技术支持工作,包括与客户进行远程或现场技术交流,方案制定,技术协议审核确定等等,并制定对应标; The organization before (before receiving customer orders and production contract) technical support work, including remote or on-site technical communication with customers, plan formulation, technical agreement review, etc., and formulate the corresponding standard;
2、负责对常规项目询价提供技术方案,现场布置图,产品外形图; Responsible for providing technical proposal, site layout and product outline for regular project inquiry; 3、对项目方案及图纸进行整理归档,改进与标准化; Filing, improving and standardizing project plans and drawings;
4、审核技术协议,并对产品项目部进行项目前期的技术交底工作; Review the technical agreement, and carry out the technical disclosure work for the product project department in the early stage; 5、根据公司或部门安排,承担客户的技术培训工作; Responsible for the technical training of users according to company or department arrangement;
6、对于特殊应用需要定制新产品的,将工作转移给机械设计工程师,并由机械设计组进行跟踪管理; Need to customize new products for special applications, will be transferred to the mechanical design engineer and mechanical team will be responsible for tracking;
7, 参与客户现场安装和PICO活动,发现问题并提出解决方案 Participate in on-site installation and PICO activities, identify issues and propose solutions.
8、服从工作安排,完成上级交办的其他事务。 Obey the work arrangement, to complete other jobs assigned by line manager.
1、本科以上学历; Bachelor Degree above;
2、理工科背景优先 Engineering background is preferred.
3、5年及以上相关工作经验,2年以上同岗管理工作经验 5 years or above related working experience, 2 years working experience in management.
4、熟悉产品开发流程;熟悉产品的原理、结构、关键元器件和材料、参数和性能要求 Be familiar with product development process; Familiar with the principle, structure, key components and materials, parameters and performance requirements of the product.
5、英语听说读写熟练 Good command of English both in written and spoken
6、能够熟练操作CAD、solid works、UG等作图软件和办公软件EXCEL WORKD等 Proficient in CAD, solid works, UG and other drawing software and office software EXCEL WORKD, etc.